Chinese Note War: Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 vs Meizu M2 Note vs Coolpad Dazen Note 3 vs Lenovo K3 Note

At the moment, when many flagship smartphones from giant companies such as Samsung (Galaxy Note 5), LG (LG V10), BlackBerry (BlackBerry Priv), Sony (Xperia Z5), Microsoft (Lumia 950 and 950XL), and Apple (iPhone 6S and 6S Plus), have been announced, we notice that there are 2 common trends on the market: One contains expensive, powerful smartphones, and the other contains affordable, powerful ones. And even in each category, we still see competitions. However, thanks to those fights, smartphones get better every day.

In order to show you an interesting comparison between affordable, powerful devices, we would like to put 4 famous phablets of their own kinds into consideration:

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 vs Meizu M2 Note vs Coolpad Dazen Note 3 vs Lenovo K3 Note

First, we give you a full view of how their specs and prices are different from each other:


In those 4 handsets, we can say that Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 may be the one that is drawing most people’s attention now. Though, the other 3 also have their potential like the Coolpad Dazen Note 3. It sports up to 3GB RAM, which can help the machine run faster than the others. Or if you only care about the price, you can choose Meizu M2 Note with lowest price here, but it is still pretty and strong enough.


So in the list, we have for you all Phablet-size devices (5.5 inch display and bigger) and they have been considered as best Chinese note smartphone so far.

Then, if you are looking for a strong and budget-friendly phablet, why don’t you check out these guys and come up with a wise decision 😉 ? By the way, don’t forget to share your experience with us 😀 !