DiGi makes Fun of Maxis with funny Pandacorn Video

Maxis Advertising Youtube Video to promote their MaxisONE postpaid plan is quite simple in terms of messaging. We see calm waves clashing on the beach, then displaying their “liberating” new plans where you get limitless calls and sms to every number, all the time.
DiGI has recently made themselves a Name for trolling other competitors on the Internet. And it looks like they have been active again on trolling Maxis.
DiGi uses the same beach background as Maxis, before a pandacorn ( a product of a unicorn and panda) enters the video with a radio, putting on some weird beats and dancing to them. In the end of the Video there is a message which says: “Why be on an OK Internet Plan? Sign up with DG SmartPlan”. With this they clearly refer to Maxis product philosophy.
This is not the first time that DiGi has been making fun of their competitors like MAXIS. Before we actually saw some negative responses from the public, not everybody understands this kind of humor. We think its actually its a nice change to the standard advertising, as long as they dont go to far with their Trolling. Anyways we can stay put to see the next move from the DiGi Advertising Team.
Cheers 😉