Xiaomi Boss fight back to Jony Ive’s Critic for Copying Apple

Last week Apple’s Chef Designer, Jony Ive, criticised Xiaomi heavily for copying Apple Products. The Event was in a Q&A with Design fans and now Xiaomi has responded!Jonathan Ive

To be honest, no matter if you are Apple Fan or Xiaomi Fanboy, most of Xiaomi’s newest products and also the OS, MIUI, have more then a few similiarities to Apple. In fact these are too much similiarities to be purely random.

The Xiaomi MI4 is probably the smartphone that got the most attention and popularity, big part of it for its iPhone-like Design. Surely that is not the only product that takes Design Inspirations from Apple and John Ivy.

xiaomi router, apple tv

Like Xiaomi’s TV BOX that looks A lot like Apple TV, you can even compare their battery packs to the Ipods…


Xiaomi has been criticized by Fans and the Media before for the copying, but been criticized directly by John Ivy, must have worried XIaomi.

In the Q&A with Designers Jony Ive commented on Xiaomi:

“I’ll stand a little bit harsh, I don’t see it as flattery. When you’re doing something for the first time, you don’t know it’s gonna work, you spend 7 or 8 years working on something, and then it’s copied. I think it is really straightforward. It is theft and it is lazy. I don’t think it is ok at all.”

We know Xiaomi bosses not to be shy and keep quiet with former situations like this. As well this time, promptly Xiaomi CEO BIn Lin responded to John Ivy’s critique saying that Xiaomi does not copy anyone:

“Xiaomi is a very open company, will not be forced to ask you only use the products we have a lot of Xiaomi outside. seriously by any individual institution Over millet products qualify say is not copying someone else’s”

He further says that he will give John Ivy a Xiaomi Phone to use and test himself and can make a real judgment.

” I am willing to gift a Xiaomi phone to him (Ive), let him use it over and then really comment . “

What do you think of the whole debate of Xiaomi cs Apple? If Xiaomi really taking too much design inspirations from Apple? Is Jony Ive to rude?